North Sentinel Island - Pre December 26, 2004
North Sentinel Island is home to a few hundred of the most isolated people on the earth. This group of people has chosen to remain separate from all other peoples. To the credit of India, they have been allowed to remain separate. Prior to December 26, 2004, the inhabitants were content to hunt and gather on their small forest covered island. Then came the dreadful 9.0 earthquake that caused death and destruction throughout this part of the world. North Sentinel Island was not spared. It is unclear if any of the inhabitants were killed as a result of the earthquake. What is clear is that the island underwent a dramatic transformation. This small island was thrust upward. The submerged reef was no longer submerged.
North Sentinel Island - February 2005
The February 2005 image shows the once submerged reef exposed above water. The forest is intact, but the island's fringing reef is now permanently above water. The stark white indicates that the reef is a new comer to the above-water environment.
North Sentinel Island - November 20, 2009
Fast forward to last month and one sees the reef still above water, but undergoing a gradual color change. As the once bone white reef remains in contact with the outside air, dust particles are blown onto the reef daily, algae colonies live and die and organic debris flows out from the island proper onto the reef, all of this contributing to the raised reef's gradual discoloration.
North Sentinel Island - EEVS Precision Map (1:62,500)
My post-earthquake map still gives a good picture of this small uplifted island. I'm glad it remains isolated and it's inhabitants have yet to encounter the world of modern man.