Friday, January 9, 2009

Thoughts - I Wonder If They Have Layoffs at North Sentinel Island?

North Sentinel Island - EEVS Map (1-62,500)

North Sentinel Island - EVS Map (1:62,500)

During this difficult economic time throughtout the industrialized world, I am curious if more remote regions are escaping the more dire consequences - the layoff from your job. Friends and family are undergoing this economic rite - to be told you are no longer needed in your economic contributions. Those contributions generate an income that you and your family require, but your employer does not. What a mess!

Do you think the Sentinelese of North Sentinel Island have layoffs? I suspect that as long as they are able to contribute to the good of the group, typically 30 to 50 individuals, they remain as members. They are allowed to gather food and game to sustain the life of the group. No need for flat screen TVs, no electricity. Homes are simple shelters that provide protection for a family. They might banish a law breaker for acts harmful to the group and justifiably. But because times are difficult they would not abandon a member of their group. No they would find ways to solve their problem by productively employing all members of their group, not by selectively removing members.

Where did we go wrong? Why does civilization, industrialized civilization, marginalize members through their removal from economic contributions?

I am just rambling. Sorry for the rant, but it has been a rough week for my family and there are times that the life of a Sentinelese looks very attractive.

Take care, friends.

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