Wednesday, April 2, 2008

Congo River Journey - Into Africa's "Heart of Darkness"

When I was in 5th grade (10-years old), I told my folks that as soon as school finished, I planned to leave home and do a "Huckleberry Finn" along the Missouri and Mississippi Rivers. I would construct a raft and float along at a carefree pace. I yearned for that freedom, that independence. Needless to say, I didn't make the raft trip, but a long voyage into uncharted, unexplored waters still holds a fascination for me.

Lukuga River - Landsat S-35-05 (1-1,500,000)

Lukuga River (280-km) - Landsat S-35-05 (1-1,500,000)

The Dark Heart of Africa, the Congo River basin is an expansive, sparsely traveled hydrological highway encompassing the center of Africa. To the west is the Atlantic coast and to the east is the Rift Valley lakes. What a place to explore!

The above image is centered on the Lukuga River, the only major outlet for Lake Tanganyika. It connects to the Lualaba River, which flows into the Congo River. 3067-kilometers later, one would arrive along the Atlantic coast of Africa. What a magnificent journey it would be! The trip of a lifetime.

Lukuga River - Landsat N-35-05 (1-25,000)

Lukuga River - Landsat S-35-05 (1-25,000)

My mapping of the Lukuga River, is progressing. I have completed 60% of the river shorelines. The additional 40% of shoreline will be completed before the weekend. Then I will work on the many riverine islands that are found within the river.

Congo River Journey (3067 km) - Lukuga, Lualaba and Congo (1-7,700,000)

Congo River Journey (3067 km) - Lukuga, Lualaba and Congo (1-7,700,000)

Picture yourself in a kayak plenty of supplies and with the assurance you will always have access to necessary supplies. Each day the beauty and magnificence of tropical Africa would be yours to explore.

Unfortunately, this part of Africa is in dramatic turmoil. It is the playground of thugs, killers and miguided fighters that believe a well-aimed bullet solves local, regional, national and multinational problems. Problems that the dead and dying will never solve. An intrepid river explorer would be well-advised to avoid exploring this stretch of river without local guides that have well-established connections with all warring factions. Even then, the trip would be extremely dangerous.

Now let's dream. Image exploring this river system without the fear of death from bullets or machetes. Where the only challenges facing you would be those presented by the rivers, not the people living along the rivers. Maybe a 10-year old kid could seriously dream of exploring these rivers that make up the heart of Africa.


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