Wednesday, April 9, 2008

Data - Locations of 506 Crude Oil Refineries

Locations of Crude Oil Refineries

Locations of 506 Crude Oil Refineries

First, I'd like to credit RoadRunner for his original Google Earth (GE) post titled "The World's Crude Oil Refineries". This data was compiled and posted to GE in October 2005. In his post he references a list of Oil Refineries in Wikipedia as his source. Whatever his source, I wanted the locations of these refineries and bpd production figures so that I could map them in Marplot.

I took his data, which was in the form of a KMZ file. Then I loaded it into Global Mapper and exported the data into a SHP file format. I took the resulting DBF file and modified the data so that my Marplot record would read - refinery name and 2005 production in bpd. I connected this with the refineries lat/lon. I created a layer within Marplot called Refineries, imported my modified file and now have the locations of 506 Crude Oil Refineries in my EVS Projects map file. Oh yes, I do have the original data in SHP and KMZ/KML formats. If you want to see RoadRunner's original data, follow the above link. If you want to see my data, look at the map. If you want a copy of the file from which to create your own layer of information, drop me a line and tell me your desired file format and I'll see what I can do.

The original file is the work of RoadRunner. He gets all of the credit or non-credit. The production figures for many of these refineries have changed. I don't have the new figures, that is for you to gather. Some of the refineries within the list are not refineries at all, but something else. However, if you are an energy industry person, this is a great starter list.


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